How do you put your article on steroids?

March 23, 2024

Why write articles?

A good article offers insight into our professional experience, portrays our professionalism, and does so very convincingly. A great article should add value to the community.  Think about your unique business experience, your best achievement (without bragging), and anything that connects the skills and interests of your followers.

If you lack ideas, try setting up an alert on Google Alerts.

You will receive a daily digest in your mailbox about everything written about a specific topic in the last 24 hours. Creating a digest from an interesting article by someone else and adding your perspective may also serve as good original content.

You can use ChatGPT for the same purpose: get inspired!

Standalone articles have a small outreach

As you might know, most people prefer to read shorter texts, and their attention spans are short.

This is one reason why regular articles have a very low outreach. Even if we try to comfort ourselves by saying that the articles are there only for a tiny portion of our connections who might be deeply interested in our profiles (e.g., recruiters or hiring managers), we are not very happy with this fact.

What is the solution?

Create your newsletter!

Because creating a newsletter puts your article on steroids! If you publish your articles in a newsletter, your outreach will be tenfold and even more extensive than a standalone article.

Why is it like that?

LinkedIn distributes articles written in a newsletter to all your connections via e-mail, so you can profit from the mighty LinkedIn marketing!

As a rule of thumb, 20 % of your network size will subscribe to your newsletter in the first week after publishing your first articles.

Another advantage, as the article is distributed viae-mail, you are not dependent on the algorithm and the timing of the publication is not that critical!

How do we create a newsletter?

First, ensure your profile is set to "Creator mode". LinkedIn is now preparing to allow everyone to create a newsletter, but in Switzerland, in those days, you must enable "Creator mode" first.

Click on "Write article", then "Manage" and "Create newsletter"

You fill in the data, give the newsletter a name and description, select your publication frequency, and you are done.

You may add a picture 300 x 300 pixels from Snappa

Nothing will happen until you publish your first article in a newsletter. Then the e-mail notifications will be sent to your connections.

What happens if you press "Publish"?

LinkedIn will open a new window for a post! So it is a three-step process:

1) You create your newsletter

2) You write your article, press Publish

3) LinkedIn announces your new article via a post.


Write only an attractive hook in your post, and do not disclose too much of the article's content; if you do so, the article's performance will be lower.

Recent success story

One of my customers published two articles in his newsletter, and one day later, the CEO of a company with almost 600,000 employees added him as a contact on Linkedin!!

Later, he invited him to join his private group! Where can something like this happen? Only on LinkedIn!


LinkedIn articles published in a newsletter are fantastic tools to increase our visibility and demonstrate our professional skills. Five years ago, I was very hesitant to create my content; today, I look forward to every new content I create.

Did I increase your interest in a newsletter? If you have already had one, what are your experiences?